Helio - Sourcing + Deal Intelligence for CPG Investors by CPG Investors
How Helio Helps Generate Outsized Returns:
Our machine learning algorithms combine data from diverse sources that would be difficult to gather or interpret on their own, and turn them into meaningful insights and composite metrics that are highly correlated with future sales growth.
What can Helio help you do?
Helio stitches together practitioner data (e.g. revenue), partnership data (e.g. Nielsen retail-level sales, SEMrush, retailers), and public data (e.g. social distribution, 40+ marketplaces, e-comm platforms, search, etc) through our proprietary brand entity resolution method to create a useful, holistic, omni-channel picture of a brands’ performance over time versus its competitors.
- Discover entities (brands, products, etc)
- Remove irrelevant entries
- Classify & categorize
- Define unique entities
- Associate & aggregate appropriate data points (apply entity resolution)

Helio uses proprietary data science methods and >10 years of consumer goods brands data from online sales, offline sales and door growth, social media engagement and customer reviews to determine the likelihood of a brand’s breakout success and allows for deeper assessment of data to drive conviction in the signal.
Offer brands in your portfolio an advantage with valuable insights into trends in their industry, as well as competitor analysis, with Helio’s category and attribute analysis.
Helio is powered by 800 TB of data
How to get started
Pick your module
Pick your categories
Access data on millions of brands across popular categories (e.g. Food, Non-Alcoholic Beverage, Alcoholic Beverage, Health and Beauty, Pet, Vitamins and Minerals)
Unlimited seats for your organization
Flexible tiers of access to meet your needs
Pick your add ons
Google Chrome extension
API access levels
You’re in good company

Get an edge on alpha generation
Take advantage of faster and more complete sourcing, evaluation, and strategic insights.
See Helio In Action
Explore all the categories that Helio has access to by clicking the link below or view some of the brands below.
Click here to access.